How it works


What is Ultraviolet light?

Ultraviolet or UV light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes black-light posters glow and is responsible for summer tans and sunburns. More importantly if used correctly in the right spectrum it can render and inactivate bacteria, molds, and viruses.

UV is generally divided into three sub-bands or categories:

  • UV-A, (315-400nm) - Type of UV used in tanning beds

  • UV-B, (280-315 nm) - Type of UV that will give you a sunburn

  • UV-C, (200-280 nm) - Type of UV used for germicidal and decontamination solutions


Does UVGI (UltraViolet Germicidal Irradiation) work?

UV-C light irradiation effectiveness is based on exposure, duration, light output, and physical distance between the UV-C source and the objects being decontaminated. Effectiveness may also vary between viruses, bacteria, and molds. However, UVGI, particularly UVGI using 254 nm light, has proven very effective in killing hundreds of types of viruses and bacteria, including viruses from the conronavirus family. UVGI is one of the most promising technologies for reducing surface contamination during the current COVID-19 pandemic.


Before UV-C exposure

Malicious pathogens, such as the virus that causes Covid-19, are made up of a core of genetic material, either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protective coat called a capsid. Sometimes the capsid is surrounded by an additional spikey coat called the envelope. This gives viral pathogens the ability to survive under a wide range of conditions, sometimes for days before attaching to a host. Once attached, the virus penetrates and infects the host’s cells. The virus begins to replicate and spread, causing damage to the host cells and rendering the carrier contagious. 

How it works.


After UV-C exposure

When bacteria and viruses are exposed to UV-C, the focused waves of light penetrate their cell wall and destroy the structure and the molecular bonds of their DNA or RNA. This makes the pathogen unable to colonize a host and reproduce. After UV-C exposure, the organism quickly dies off, leaving no offspring, and the population of the virus or bacteria is eradicated. UV-C is able to kill pathogens on surfaces or in the air before they reach a host’s cells.

The evolution of UVGI

 UV-C is rapidly emerging as the preferred method for combating unseen pathogens. UV Guardian has leveraged proven technologies to offer UV-C dual-method systems that eliminate both airborne and contact surface pathogens. This is accomplished through cleaning ambient air continually during hours of human exposure, while scheduling direct decontamination of surfaces during brief periods of time when humans are not present. This unique approach provides the maximum benefits of UV-C, without hindering occupation of controlled spaces.

UV-C in Disinfection

UV-C germicidal technology has been available for decades. It has been proven effective, without the health concerns that plague chemical protocols.  Research shows that UV-C light in the 254 nm wavelength is most effective at killing viral pathogens quickly and completely.  UV Guardian™ Defender 1080 and Protector 360 systems utilize 254 nm UV-C light, both internally for constant cleaning of airborne contaminants, and externally on contact surfaces.